We are Community Builders.

One brick at a time, we are laying the foundation to support over 80,000+ Filipino Americans that call DFW home. 

Our Programs

a group of people stand on a stage in front of a projector screen that reads "DFW Filipino Town Hall"

Community Days

Positive programming to nurture, heal, and grow our communities. We provide wellness workshops, writing classes, open mics and town halls to support our community.

people stand in front of a banner that reads "Lone Star Palengke"

Lone Star Palengke

With over 7,000+ Attendees in 2022, we’re back and BIGGER than ever ready to celebrate “Ating Pamayanan” in 2023!

a sketch of the potential exterior for the Filipino Community Center created by Manolo DePerio

Filipino Community Center

 Our vision is to create a Sustainable Filipino Community Center here in DFW. See what our future home looks like.

Preview sketch by Manolo DePerio


Upcoming Events



We need
your support!

Every donation, no matter the size, contributes to a legacy that will benefit generations to come. Together, let's build a home away from home for the Filipino community in Dallas. Donate today and be a part of something truly special! 

Carousel photos by Kathy Tran